
咨询热线: 15767707785

作者:本站 来源:本站 发布时间:2017-05-18 浏览次数:861





High Quality Environment 



园所占地面积约4500平方米 ,建筑面积  3300平方米,本园引入国际先进的生态教育理念与层次化办学思想,为幼儿提供浸入式纯英语教学、创意多元智能活动、园本生态教学等特色主体课程,注重培养孩子良好行为习惯以及健全人格的养成。




International Education Vision


先进的教育生态理念与优质课程相结合,关注幼儿内心需求与个性发展!科学整合古今中外教育优势:伟才教育生态活动、创意多元智能活动、浸入式英语教学、蒙特梭利教育活动、奥尔夫音乐活动等内容,对幼儿实施 IQ、EQ、BQ 的完整性素质教育,促进幼儿身心和谐发展,为培养世纪伟才奠定基础!

Learning from all times and all counties, we gain our own advantages in preschool education, and we have: Great Man ecological education activities, innovative pluralism activities, Immersed-Style English teaching, Montessori Activities and Orff Music Activities. Hence, kids can achieve complete development in their IQ, EQ and BQ, which can promote kids’ healthy and natural growth and become useful person for society in the future.


Ultimate Vision

  • 伟才教育全球首创0-6岁教育生态园!

  • 教育生态观是伟才提出的促进幼儿可持续发展的新型教育理念。

  • 教育生态观的核心是“生命观”,它的基本内涵是尊重生命、尊重受教育的人、尊重教育规律!

  • 每个孩子都有自己的独特性,有自身的发展规律,有自己的情感需求。

  • 从尊重生命、到尊重内心,是伟才教育生态观念的体现。

  • 在这里我们用专业与爱心精心构建一个美丽、和谐、生机盎然的教育园地。

  • 在这里我们用心呵护每一颗幼苗。

  • 让孩子们享受快乐!让孩子们健康成长!


  • Great Man originates the theory of Ecological Education Kindergarten for age

    0-6 years old.

  • The concept of Ecological Education is a new type educational theory which  is focusing on children’s sustainable development.

  • The core value of Ecological Education is the value of life. Its fundamental

    meaning is respecting life, respecting people who receive education and

    respecting education itself.

  • The process from respecting life transfer to respect personal inward

    development is a reflection of the value of Ecological Education.

  • In our kindergarten, we dedicate ourselves with profession and sincere care

  • to construct a beautiful, harmonious and vibrant educational garden.

  • Let our kids enjoy happiness and joyfulness! Let our kids receive healthy growth.



Educational Ecologies



Natural Ecology



Providing opportunities for kids to explore and under stand world of animals and plants, inspiring them to respect life and cherish life. We recognize kids’ individual uniqueness and follow their growth pattern and emotional needs, aiming to let our kids grow naturally in the Great Man Ecological education Kindergarten.



Educational Ecology


The core value is our “life concept”; the courses foundation is the theory of Multiple Intelligence; the learning pattern we promote is “Kid’s initiative exploration”; the teaching materials are Great Man Kindergarten Ecological Courses, Children Innovative Learning Courses, and Immersive English Teaching. With all these theories and teaching method supporting, we are capable to construct a creative and suitable learning environment for kids to gain knowledge.



Social Ecology



Great Man is promoting the theory of Family-Society-Kindergarten three dimensional systems, making the best use of all the educational recourses. We dare to change the courses stereotypes and go out the kindergarten to get in the society, joining the “social classroom”. Through the social life experience we offer ,kids’ horizon can be broadened and the practice ability can be upgraded.


ModernScientific Digital Environment



Great Man Kindergarten Management System is operating at our kindergartens, which applies intelligent science in daily management to maintain kindergartens’ systematic ,standardized and scientific operation. This is the unique platform originated by Great Man for parents. It introduces intelligence management system to achieve two-way supervision between mobile phones and computers, helping parents never miss any of their kids’ growing phrases. Through this“open education”, parents can better understand both their children and the kindergarten as well. Great Man also applies multimedia education methods, bringing more vivid images and information for kid.



The Core Concepts of Great Man Kindergarten Ecological Curriculums



The concept of life


Respecting life, adoring life and cherishing life. From the very beginning of feeling life itself, to generate kids’ emotion of respecting life, adoring life and cherishing life.



The concept of living


Education comes from daily life. We will guide our kids to uses their own living experiment and living skills to serve better for their own growth.


The concept of survival


We will teach our kids to gain the abilities to survive in natural environment as well as in social environment, to master the skills and the wisdom to survive better.


The concept of learning


Guiding the kids to feel and experience their own lives, to learn from their living experience. Helping them to gain the abilities of creativity, autonomous learning and to solve problems by themselves.


咨询热线:  15767707785(李园长)
